While some people deny climate change, our planet is under threat

A glacier in Iceland

In the year 2090, will even half of the land that exists on the Earth today still exist?

Will children still be able to watch polar bears and penguins in documentary programmes, or will they be shown as historical data from the past?

As things stand now, it is realistic that we will hear: "All the ice has melted in Antarctica... polar bears as a species are now extinct..."

In the same way, news on climate change, or rather, news of catastrophic consequences for nature and wildlife will be heard.

Can you imagine this kind of news in 70 years?!  It won't be fake news for sure!

Today, one in every five citizens in Montenegro believes that global warming and climate change are fake news, a conspiracy theory...

Today, one in every five citizens in Montenegro believes that global warming and climate change are fake news, a conspiracy theory...

To identify fake news, we need to check what the source of information is and how much it can be trusted, as well as what other trusted sources have to say when it comes to that subject. Also, it is particularly important to seek the opinions of experts.

If we delve into this kind of analysis, we will come to a clear conclusion that climate change and global warming are real news, i.e. facts.

If we do our research we can also get ideas about the actions we can take to contribute to the preservation of the planet – planting trees, for example.

A landscape with a field of wild flowers in the foreground and mountains in the background.
We do not seem to sufficiently appreciate what we already have, especially nature, which offers us everything and asks for nothing in return.

We often forget about going on good, old-fashioned walks... as if modern man has forgotten how to walk. You may laugh at this, but, again, where is the visible action – why don't we walk? It is as if we were born in cars. At the same time, there are people, who dream all their lives of walking, swimming and running.

We do not seem to sufficiently appreciate what we already have, especially nature, which offers us everything and asks for nothing in return. It is our responsibility to preserve it and not allow us, humans, to become mere historical data.

There is an ongoing process of global warming that is threatening the entire planet and to which we are all contributing daily, while one-fifth of Montenegrins deny that this is happening and consider it fake news.

Let's be media literate for our own sakes and for the sake of this planet.

Let’s plant a tree. Today.


Lana, 15, is a student in Podgorica, who likes to volunteer and help people. She has been a member of a folklore ensemble for 9 years. She is also a Golden Advisor of the Ombudsman, a radio host of a national radio programme, and a young reporter - a volunteer UNICEF.
